Thursday, November 12, 2015

Opportunities for Internal Audit Capacity Development

An internal audit function is intrinsic for sound governance and accountability where public sector institutions can rely on internal audits to provide oversight and assurance over operations, delivery of services, and use of public funds.

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Ramping Up Results-Based Management in the Philippines

At the country level, results-based management is best introduced as part of a larger public sector reform program, impelled by the government for any number of possible reasons.

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Monday, June 1, 2015

Tax Administration Reforms in the Maldives

Taxes provide the funding that makes it possible for government to function. In 2009, with help from ADB, the Maldives launched ambitious and transformational reforms toward modern taxation.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Building Modern Land Administration Systems

Good land administration depends on data and information about land and property, compiled in ways that promote confidence between the public, its commercial enterprises, and government.

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Highway in the Mountains - The Western Yunnan Roads Development Project

This issue features the Western Yunnan Roads Development project in the People's Republic of China, which was launched to connect the rural, mountainous areas of Western Yunnan to PRC's regional centers, as well as to the GMS.

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